Residents in a Chinese city have been stunned after a giant mirage of a "ghost city" towered across the skyline. The apparition appeared earlier this month after a heavy rainfall and humid conditions along the Xin'an River in Huanshan City in East China.
The pictures have baffled experts who visited the city to check that there were not actually any of the building already there.
Mirage: An entire island with trees, tall buildings and mountains in the distance can be seen in the dusk light
The patterns in the mirage are typically blurred and shimmering with a resemblance to human structures. But the apparent mirage in China would be one of the clearest ever recorded. "It's really amazing, it looks like a scene in a movie, in a fairlyland," said one resident.
She said that a number of similar sights had been seen recently although this one was the most spectacular. A number of mirages have previous been reported in China. In 2006, The China Daily published four images of what it said were mirages off the coast of Eastern China's Shandong province.
For the official story, please click the link here. Here is the official news report.
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