Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"Holographic City" In China?
Residents in a Chinese city have been stunned after a giant mirage of a "ghost city" towered across the skyline. The apparition appeared earlier this month after a heavy rainfall and humid conditions along the Xin'an River in Huanshan City in East China.
The pictures have baffled experts who visited the city to check that there were not actually any of the building already there.
Mirage: An entire island with trees, tall buildings and mountains in the distance can be seen in the dusk light
The patterns in the mirage are typically blurred and shimmering with a resemblance to human structures. But the apparent mirage in China would be one of the clearest ever recorded. "It's really amazing, it looks like a scene in a movie, in a fairlyland," said one resident.
She said that a number of similar sights had been seen recently although this one was the most spectacular. A number of mirages have previous been reported in China. In 2006, The China Daily published four images of what it said were mirages off the coast of Eastern China's Shandong province.
For the official story, please click the link here. Here is the official news report.
The truth is out there
Friday, June 17, 2011
Epic Music Video From Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah
Man, I absolutely love this awesome movie!
And ....
And ....
Thursday, June 16, 2011
9/11 Planes Were Holographic Projections?
There have been many conspiracy theories about 9/11 but this is one of the most compelling evidence that I've seen by far about how the 9/11 planes may be holographic projections. Watch the video and form your own opinion.
Why is this video footage compelling? If this video was not tampered with any editing software, then this video is an important piece of evidence that the planes are not real. They are merely holographic projections that were created to give you an impression that the planes flew into the Twin Towers. My opinion that they are holographic is based on 2 facts that can be seen on the video :
(a) the left wing of the plane mysteriously disappeared as the plane was approaching the building. Did the thick black smoke coming from the left side of the plane partly blocked the holographic projection of the plane? That would have meant that the source of the projection is from the sky. Do note however that this could be an optical illusion caused by the video camera itself
(b) there is no shadow of the plane on the building itself. Do note that there is a strong source of light coming from the right side of the plane, therefore some shadow of the plane should be visible on the building. This is how I usually separate fake UFO videos from the authentic ones. I look for shadows and reflections. Where the placement of shadows or reflections are wrong or not visible, these are usually fake videos. No visible shadow of the plane on the building suggests that this plane is fake, probably a damn good holographic projection.
(c) this point was shared by a reader from the comments section and I'm sharing it here as it is a brilliant point. "But the surest way to know that no 767-sized plane flew through there at 580 MPH is the complete lack of disturbance to the smoke-filled air. We should've seen a massive disturbance of the air from the tornado-like horizontal vortices created by the wings of big planes, known as wake turbulence. These vortices are so powerful, this is why other planes always wait at least 3 mins before taking off behind another big plane, as these vortices are powerful enough to cause a crash.'
Can we achieve such great clarity using holographic technology? Check out this video.
Quite cool Star Wars technology right? Not exactly the same as 9/11 if the planes were indeed holographic but do bear in mind that this is a commercial holographic projection designed for CNN. There could be better and more advanced technology that we don't know about.
How about a live video footage of a holographic plane caught in Madrid, Spain caught in July 2010?
What's real? You decide. As Fox Mulder would say :
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Watch This TV Ad If You Dare!
Warning : Do not watch this TV Ad if you have a weak heart, pregnant or health problems. Strictly for unbelievably healthy people and those who can stomach extreme horror.
Dirt Devil - Exorcist from MADE FOR DREAMS on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
27 Million Spent On Youth Event!
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 — Putrajaya said today it spent a total of RM27 million for the Million Youths Assembly held last month, 18 times the initial RM1.5 million budget for the National Youth Day event.
Youth And Sports Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek stressed today that the government did not use any “additional expenditure” for the event, and said a “large” amount of the RM27 million was obtained via sponsorship from the private sector.
“The allocation which was prepared by the government to carry out the National Youth Day amounted to RM1.5 million. However, the total costs amounted to RM27 million, where most of it was obtained via sponsorship from the private sector,” Ahmad Shabery said in a reply to Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (Marang-PAS).
The Million Youth Assembly, held from May 27 to May 29 was aimed at providing a platform for youths to “showcase their talents and interests through over 200 programmes” as well as highlighting job opportunities through a Job Fair.
Today, Ahmad Shabery said the gathering was a “success”, based on the number of youths who had reportedly attended the event in Putrajaya.
During the assembly, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had called on youths to “defend Putrajaya” from the opposition if they wished to see Malaysia transformed into a developed country.
His deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, had told reporters that the total visitors to the assembly surpassed the one million mark.
The truth is out there.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Julian Assange Grills Julia Gillard On Live Television
The truth is out there. The truth will not be tamed by lies and deceit. The truth will prevail in the end. Are you ready for the truth? Can you embrace the truth?
I know I can't wait for the truth.
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