With 45 days left before we reach 21st December 2012, have you contemplated what this date means to you and to mankind in general? Are we going to witness the end of human civilization or apocalypse? Or will mankind suffer the same fate as The Day After Tomorrow and return to the Dark Ages?
Let me share a secret with you. I don't believe the world will end on 21st December 2012, God-willing. In fact, I believe this date heralds the return of mankind's greatest enemy. The date signifies the return of "The Nine". “The Nine” are mentioned in an inscription on Monument 6 of the Mayan site of Tortuguero, in the Mexican state of Tabasco. The monument was erected in 669 AD and is one of the very few pre-Conquest sources that mention 2012.

Based upon our research, I share Ridley Scott's sentiments in Prometheus that "The 9" are an enemy of mankind and they will return to destroy us. Who are the Bolon Yokte Ku – The 9? They have variously been translated as the God of Nine Strides, the Nine-Footed God, Jaguar-Foot-Tree and Nine-Dog-Tree. They were seen as living in the Underworld and were generally described as god(s) of conflict, warfare, and are hence linked with dangerous transition times, social unrest, eclipses, and natural disasters like earthquakes. It is said that at the end of a baktun, they would abandon their underworld realm and rise to the Earth’s surface, where they would do battle with the 13 deities of Heaven.
Look at the date, 21st December 2012 or 21/12/12. It adds up to 2+1=3/1+2=3/1+2=3 with the final numbers in the end to be 3/3/3 which equals to 9.
Makes you wonder whether the terrorist attacks on September 11 was really an act of terror from a bunch of terrorists or whether it was a modern day sacrifice ritual to The 9? Look at the numbers. 9 and 11 of course signifies the Twin Towers.
Now you understand why the number 3 keeps cropping up every so often in our daily lives without realizing the significance of the number. Look around you. The pyramids, the 3 branches of state, 3am is the witching hour, alien abductions at 3am in The Fourth Kind, the 3 knocks Sheldon makes on a door before entering a house in Big Bang Theory etc. These are their Mayan symbols and the calling cards of their worshipers who still subsist until today.
Do not look for a friend when The 9 returns. Protect yourself and your family. Seek the truth and wisdom. Do your research. You have 45 days from the date of writing to find out for yourself the truth of 21/12/12.
God bless you and the truth is out there.